American Red Cross —Lamar County Chapter
Mitsty Batts, Lamar County Chapter misty.batts2@redcross.org 903-737-4390 2673 N Main, Ste J, Paris, TX 75460
Provides 24-hour relief to victims of natural disasters and fire, emergency aid and communications for military families, and safety education that includes CPR/First Aid Training, Lifeguard Training, and water safety instruction.
Boys & Girls Club of the Red River Valley
Reginald Hughes, 1530 NE 1st , Paris TX 75460 boysgirlsclubparistx@gmail.com www.bgca.org
Inspires and enables young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. State License Day Care and Drop-In programs available. Year-round programs and activities at 4 different service sites in Paris and Blossom. Youth Sports leagues, educational programs, field trips and mentoring. “The Positive Place for Youth”
Imagination Library, Paris Kiwanis
Mr. Lynn Patterson 903-784-6374 pattlynn5@gmail.com www.pariskiwanis
To improve school readiness and achievement by providing an age appropriate book free to each child in Lamar County, Ages 0-5.
King's Daughters, The
Kay McNeal 903-785-3563 kdparis@att.net 120 E Kaufman St., Mail: P. O. Box 1394,Paris, TX 75461-1394
Help is provided to the needy of all ages with emergency food, medicine, and transportation to medical facilities. Subsidies are available for child car in licensed day care centers for parents who work or are in school. School supplies are given to needy children in all schools in the county. Christmas baskets are distributed annually to seniors and special needs are fulfilled as identified. Open M-Th 8:30am-11:30am
Lamar County Child Welfare Board
Bob Hundley, Board Chair 903-737-0340 P. O. Box 1664, Paris, TX 75461-1664
Serves as a financial parent for children in foster care in Lamar County.
Lamar County Food Pantry (Downtown Food Pantry)
Allen Hubbard, Executive Director 903-737-8870 124 W Cherry St, Paris, TX 75460 www.downtownfoodpantry.org
To feed the hungry of Lamar County with no regard to race, religion. sex or country of origin. Pantry open Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Lamar County Literacy Council
Susan Sanchez 903-783-0424 2400 Clarksville, Paris TX 75460 ssanchez@parisjc.edu www.nationalliteracydirectory.org/lamar-county-literacy-council
Helps adults in Paris and Lamar County with reading improvement and English as a second language.
Paris / Lamar County Habitat for Humanity
Marion Hutchison 903-783-0599 170 8th St. SE, Mail: P. O. Box 1555, Paris, TX 75461-1555 parishabitat@suddenlinkmail.com
In partnership with God and with the support of a caring community, Paris/Lamar County Habitat for Humanity helps low income, deserving families in Paris and Lamar County work to earn simple, decent, affordable housing and improve the exteriors of existing homes with minor repairs and painting.
Red River Valley Down Syndrome Society/ REACH Center
Joi Roberts, Executive Director 903-783-1922 505 Lamar Avenue, Mail: P. O. Box 6455, Paris, TX 75461-6455
To improve the lives of individuals with Down Syndrome and other disabilities through support, education, and advocacy. Services include: support groups, tutoring and other activities for parents and children with disabilities. Ages 3 and up.
Red River Valley Retired and Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Kelly Hamill, Project Director 903-782-0441 1405 S. Collegiate St. Mail: 2400 Clarksville , Paris TX 75460 khamill@parisjc.edu www.parisjc.edu/index.php/pjc2/main/rsvp
Mobilizes adults 55 and older for volunteer services, matching skills, interests and abilities with the needs of agencies.
Salvation Army, The www.facebook.com/thesalvationarmyparistexas.com
Jennifer and Paul Chisholm 903-784-7548
Provides disaster relief, temporary housing, evening meal, clothing, furniture, food, diapers, rental assistance, utility assistance, gasoline, prescriptions and character building classes. Visits nursing homes and VA hospitals on a monthly basis and provides food baskets for less fortunate families during the holidays and Christmas toys.
CASA for KIDS - 903-737-4346, 2025 NW Loop 286 clint@pariscasa@gmail.com
Tailored Rides Taylor Sandoval 384 CR 42520 903-401-9644 weybapfarm@yahoo.com
Paris Community Theatre Children's Theatre 903-784-0259, 36 N. Plaza, www.pctonstage.com
HOMESTAY 903-495-8999 Provides free home repairs for those who qualify